June 28, 2012, is a day people will remember as "the day America died" or similar hyperbole, since the Supreme Court decided to allow the unpopular (and rammed down the people's throats) ObamaCare law to stand, basing the "individual mandate" as a TAX, not a fee (and therefore limiting the power of Congress in the use of Article I, Section 8's "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes" clause (aka Commerce Clause) and substituting that with Article I, section 8's "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes..." clause. Yes, Chief Justice Roberts' ruling has some unintended consequences, like opening the door wide-open for what Congress can decide to tax on (and not just for incomes or products but behaviors too), but it also has the consequence of imposing 21 new taxes on Americans totalling over $800 billion dollars...12 of these directly impact Americans making less than $250,000...exactly what Obama promised over-and-over he would NOT do...as well as insisting that the "mandate" is not a tax but a fee...therefore meaning that Obama lied to the American people as well as the Congress.
What does this mean for the election? If Mitt Romney can pound away on Obama's lack of an economic record (yes, he did inherit a deficit from George W. Bush, but what did he do to resolve it...he doubled the debt to way more than Bush and his 42 predecessors combined), that Obama lied to the people about the ObamaCare tax, "Fast and Furious" and Obama covering for Eric Holder in "Fast and Furious", and about how Obama has consistently abused his power in appointing "czars" and ruling by fiat with regard to immigration, he can win the election. Remember, when it comes to ObamaCare, he cannot blame the Republicans for it, as not a single Repub voted for ObamaCare, it was all Democrats, and this whole thing reminds me of a quote from the Watergate era: "Whether our nation is a nation of laws and not of men is for Congress and ultimately, the American People (to decide)". As a Washington Times reporter said, "Romney is appealing the Supreme Court ObamaCare decision to the American people...", and the people will decide to remove from power all those responsible--the President and those in Congress who agreed to the largest tax increase in American history. If the people are angry enough to actually do it, there may be fewer Democrats in Congress than there are states in the union.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Obama's Power Grab
President Obama has proven during his term that he is not above directly and blatantly disregarding the Constitution to get his way (see ObamaCare, choosing not to uphold duly passed statutes like DOMA, installing "czars" not subject to Senate "advice and consent", etc.), now with his re-election on the line, he imposes immigration rules similar to the "DREAM" act that was defeated in Congress by fiat. With one stroke of the pen he just granted (by conservative estimates, there are likely more) around one million illegal immigrants "backdoor amnesty" with vague assurances of getting work permits if they entered the US before age 16 and are under age 30, attended school or served in the military. Now military service and school attendance can be independently verified, but what about the others? Of course, this gives the Democrats another million potential registered voters (if that Voter ID rule wasn't in effect, which Holder's DOJ is working on getting thrown out) and is blatantly unconstitutional, as the president does not have the power under Article II to choose not to enforce laws he didn't like. While acknowledging President George W. Bush used "signing statements" to not enforce things he didn't want to do (and not making them less constitutional), the media frenzy was crazy, calling for his impeachment, etc., but do you hear anything from Obama's media about his actions...NO! And if he wins re-election...since he cannot be elected for a third time, he will have no accountability and therefore will be free to do what he wants, further damaging the country, yet there are still 40+% of people who want him back in office...of course, most of them are probably seeing the fruits of his presidency (massively extended unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps, etc.) and don't want the gravy train to end. I am still confident the country will make the right decision in November, but with Obama proving he will do ANYTHING (legal, illegal or otherwise, as he has no morals) to win a second term he doesn't deserve, his opponent (Romney) had better be prepared for whatever the left throws at him.
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