Saturday, March 6, 2010

Foundation for Impeachment and End of the Democrat Party?

With the recent revival of ObamaCare by the Anointed One and his band of merry men/women and the push to the precipice of a total overhaul of 16% of the country's economy, you would think that something would come along to stop this runaway freight train...but what?  First it was the end of the "supermajority" of the Democrats in the Senate (wonder how this would have changed if Norm Coleman not had his election stolen by the Minnesota Democrats and Supreme Court that gave the Libs the 60 votes...), now the Democrats, playing hypocrites, don't want to play by the rules they so vigorously defended back when the Republicans were trying to use the 51 vote "nuclear option" to invoke the Constitution's "advice and consent" clause when confirming judges for the federal courts (for those who make the ridiculous claim that the Repubs used the "nuclear option" or "reconciliation" when passing welfare reform and tax cuts, remember the public and the Senate both acted overwhelmingly to pass those this case ObamaCare has been overwhelmingly opposed in every opinion poll (including liberal-leaning ones) but yet the Treacherous Three (Obama, Pelosi & Reid) are determined to ram this down a gagging public anyway, even at the cost of the party and a certain annihilation at the polls in November.  Why?  Once entitlements begin (see Social Security, Welfare, Medicare & Medicaid) they are not stopped.  The country would be forever taxed to pay for all of these massive entitlements, adding to our debt and ruining the country and our way of life.

Based on all of this, I would like to make the foundation case for the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama for abuse of power on the following bases:

Obama has violated the U.S. Constitution by:
  1. Circumventing the "advice and consent" clause in Article II by appointing "czars" over non-existent government agencies, which require an act of Congress to create, and as such would be up to the Senate to confirm these appointments.  
  2. Allowing Congress to include in ObamaCare a requirement that the people be forced to buy healthcare from the government under certain conditions, and that the states be forced to carry out these mandates.  The 10th amendment states that: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." 
  3. Taking over private banks and automobile manufacturers, and forcing the executives therein to accept pay reductions.  Since these are private businesses, they should not have been forced into a government takeover, or even been allowed to be taken over at their request.  The Constitution does not provide for government takeover of ANY private business (even the Chrysler takeover in 1981 was unconstitutional, though it was resolved with all monies given to the company by the government repaid with interest within five years).
Obama is sacrificing his career and his party to achieve his utopia of a Soviet-style socialist state in America, the very style of government generations of immigrants risked their lives to escape from.  I am praying to God that something will stop this before it becomes a harsh reality and we become the U.S.S.A., complete with red flag, sickle and hammer.

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